Voice Search Optimization for Pest Control Websites: Adapting to the Growing Trend of Voice Search in SEO Strategy



Are you ready to adapt to the growing trend of voice search and optimize your pest control website?

Don’t miss out on potential customers searching for services like yours using voice commands.

In this article, we’ll show you how to optimize your website for voice search, ensuring your business is at the forefront of this SEO strategy.

From understanding voice search impact to technical considerations, we’ve got you covered.

Let’s power up your online presence and stay ahead of the competition.

 Understanding Voice Search and Its Impact

How does voice search impact your pest control website’s SEO strategy?

With the advancements in voice search technology, it has become essential for pest control websites to adapt their SEO strategies accordingly.

Voice search is revolutionizing the way people search for information online, challenging the traditional text-based search methods.

By understanding the impact of voice search on your website’s SEO, you can better optimize your content to meet the needs of users and improve your search rankings.

Voice search offers a more convenient and efficient way for users to find information, making it crucial for pest control businesses to optimize their websites for voice search queries.

 Key Factors to Consider for Voice Search Optimization

To effectively optimize your pest control website for voice search, it’s important to consider key factors that will enhance your visibility and improve user experience.

Firstly, focus on creating conversational content that aligns with how people speak and ask questions.

Next, optimize your website for local search by incorporating location-specific keywords and phrases. This will help your website appear in voice search results for users looking for pest control services in their area.

Additionally, make sure your website is mobile-friendly and loads quickly to provide a seamless user experience.

Lastly, consider implementing structured data markup to provide search engines with clear information about your services.

Optimizing Pest Control Website Content for Voice Search

When optimizing your pest control website content for voice search, focus on creating conversational and user-friendly content that aligns with how people ask questions and search for information.

This means that your content should be written in a way that mimics natural speech patterns and addresses common queries. Incorporate long-tail keywords and phrases that are more likely to be used in voice searches.

Keep in mind that voice searches tend to be more specific and question-based, so optimize your content accordingly. Additionally, prioritize user experience by making your website mobile-friendly, ensuring fast page loading times, and providing clear and concise answers to common queries.

 Technical Considerations for Voice Search Optimization

To optimize your pest control website for voice search, there are several technical considerations you should implement. These considerations will not only enhance user experience but also improve your chances of appearing in voice search results.

Voice search technology is gaining popularity rapidly, with voice assistants and SEO playing a crucial role in this trend. Therefore, to ensure your website ranks well in voice search, it’s essential to understand voice search ranking factors and optimize your website accordingly.

One technique you can use is optimizing for long tail keywords. Voice searches tend to be more conversational and longer than text-based searches. By incorporating these long tail keywords into your website content, you increase your chances of being picked up by voice search algorithms.

Conducting thorough voice search keyword research is also important. This will help you understand the specific phrases and questions people are using when conducting voice searches. By incorporating these keywords into your website content, you increase the likelihood of appearing in voice search results.

Analyzing voice search user behavior through voice search analytics is another valuable technique. This will give you insights into how people are using voice search and what types of queries they are making. By understanding this behavior, you can tailor your website content to better meet these needs.

Additionally, consider the impact of voice search on mobile devices. Voice search is often conducted on mobile devices, so it’s important to ensure your website is mobile-friendly and optimized for voice search on mobile.

Incorporating local SEO strategies is also crucial for voice search optimization. Many voice searches are location-based, so optimizing your website for local keywords and including local information will help you cater to these local voice search queries.

 Tips for Monitoring and Analyzing Voice Search Performance

To effectively monitor and analyze your voice search performance, utilize various tools and metrics that provide insights into user behavior and search trends.

Voice search analytics can help you understand how users are interacting with your website through voice commands. By tracking voice search conversions, you can determine the effectiveness of your SEO strategy and make data-driven decisions to optimize your website for voice search.

Tools like Google Analytics can provide valuable information about the keywords used in voice searches, the devices and locations of the users, and the actions they take on your website.

It’s important to regularly analyze this data to identify patterns and trends, and then adjust your content and optimization efforts accordingly.

In conclusion, optimizing pest control websites for voice search is crucial in order to adapt to the growing trend and improve SEO strategy.

By understanding the impact of voice search and considering key factors, such as user intent and natural language, pest control businesses can effectively optimize their website content.

Additionally, technical considerations, like mobile responsiveness and fast loading times, are important for voice search optimization.

Monitoring and analyzing voice search performance will help businesses stay ahead and make necessary adjustments.

Stay user-focused and keyword-driven to succeed in voice search optimization.

720 McClure Rd.
Kelowna, BC.

Phone: 250.575.1527

5 Disgusting Bugs That Could Invade Your Home

Prevent Rodents Mesa


1) Bedbugs
Bedbugs are small insects. They feed on blood and prefer humans over birds or other mammals. They are quite small and are mainly active at night. They tend to nest near their human host, rather than staying on the body or in the hair.

Signs and Symptoms of Bedbug Infestations

Look for visible signs that bedbugs have invaded bedding. These signs include smears of blood; faecal spots; and moult casings.

Victims of bedbug bites may develop a red rash and sometimes experience intense itching, but some people do not show any symptoms. Others may become allergic and have more severe reactions.

Scratching the bites may lead to bacterial infection. There is no evidence that bedbugs pass disease from one person to another.

Treatments to Kill Bedbugs

Treat buildings and possessions, since people do not ‘harbour’ bedbugs. They prefer to sneak away and nest in or near beds.

Several treatments are possible. Hot steam cleaning of buildings and possessions will kill bedbugs. Place diatomaceous earth where the insects would walk – the rough material abrades the waxy shell, causing the bedbug to dry out. Wash clothing and bedding in very hot water for a long cycle. Some chemicals are available. Bedbugs will try to migrate away from one room or apartment to another, so it is important to get them all.

2) Carpenter Ants

Carpenter ants are also known as wood ants. They excavate wood in order to build their nests; unlike termites, they do not eat wood. They actually eat sweet foods, fat, grease and meat. They mainly work at night.

Signs of Carpenter Ants

You may find small piles of frass (bits of wood, soil, and insects) outside of nest exits, or in window sills. The excavated nest is smooth and does not have ‘mud’, which is a sign of termites. They prefer already-decaying wood but will work with healthy wood if other conditions are right. You might see these large ants marching in your home in the spring.

Preventing a Carpenter Ant Invasion

Use these steps to make it difficult for carpenter ants to invade your home:

Keep tree limbs away from the roof.
Keep wood piles away from the home and elevate the wood so it does not rest on the ground.
Seal the home’s foundation (and windows and doors) with caulk.
Seal vents with very fine mesh.
Repair any leaky plumbing and ensure air conditioners do not drip onto the side of the house.
Treatment for Carpenter Ants

Four insecticide options are available to get rid of carpenter ants:

Dust or spray the perimeter at ground level
Dust or foam the interior wall voids
Spot-treat specific infested wood, and adjacent wood
Apply bait indoors and outdoors
Note that bait is a combination of food and a very slow-acting insecticide. Never combine the two approaches, because the quick insecticide makes the bait useless. Bait is a rather finicky approach, but might result in the best outcomes.

3) Head Lice
Head lice (see top) colonize a person’s head, in the hair and skin. They drink human blood and can cause itching. A louse is about the size of a sesame seed.

Symptoms and Signs of Head Lice

Your scalp may itch, although it may take several weeks for the itching to develop. Bites may be visible if the hair is moved aside. Eggs or lice may be seen on close examination; you may need to use a magnifying glass. Use a louse comb to check, especially near the ears and nape of the neck.

Lice do not transmit any specific diseases. Scratching may introduce germs and cause infection. Only in rare cases will the bites cause swollen lymph nodes.

Transmission of Head Lice

Head-to-head contact is the most common way lice move from one person to another. Sharing hats or pillows is rarely a cause. Victims are usually children.

Treatment of Head Lice

Your doctor or pharmacist can recommend specific medicated shampoos or rinses, and these will have specific instructions. Generally, comb the shampoo through the hair and remove the eggs (‘nits’, hence ‘nit-picking’). This is not usually effective on the first treatment, since eggs may be missed and survive. Therefore repeat in about 10 days. Only treat people with live lice, since the chemicals are somewhat harmful.

4) Termites
Termites invade the wooden structures of homes because they eat cellulose. Termites are hard to detect at an early stage because they stay inside the wood structures. An above-ground tunnel outside the home is easily seen. Damaged wood might be detected by feeling that it is soft.

Preventing a Termite Invasion

Concrete or steel foundations and other barriers should prevent underground access. It’s best to keep 18 inches between the soil and wood. Chemical treatment of the base timber as possible prior to construction, but physical barriers are preferred. Chemical treatment of the soil is usually performed on older homes rather than on new buildings.

Killing Termite Invaders

Bait is the preferred method. A bait is a slow-acting poison which will eventually kill the whole colony. Dust toxins are also available but are not recommended for amateurs. Soil treatment is the least preferred since it uses a large amount of insecticide which leaches fairly quickly into the environment. Pesticides may be injected into the basement wall and also into nearby fences, sheds or trees.

Often it would be wise to get rid of any damaged wood. This is a large and tricky job if the damage is extensive. On the other hand, you do not want to rest your home on load-bearing timbers that have been hollowed out by termites.

5) Wasps
Wasps are social insects that may nest near, or in, homes. They eat many leftover foods: fruits, fruit drinks, pop, and meat. They also prey on flies, caterpillars and aphids. They are active during the day and return to the nest in the afternoon.

Keeping Wasps Away

Unless you have had a problem with wasps in the past, you probably do not need to take pre-emptive measures. To discourage wasps from nesting in or near a home, apply an insecticide spray several times a year. It is important to use one that is safe for people and pets but repels insects.

Eliminating a Wasps’ Nest

Locate the nest during the day, but wait until dusk to apply any insecticides. One good way is to ‘puff’ the insecticide dust into the nest’s entranceway – six to a dozen puffs will start the process but may lead to swift retribution. It is best to go back several evenings in a row.

Poisoning wasps in voids (in a home) follow a similar procedure and may take several applications. The exact chemicals and applicators may be different between a visible nest and a colony in a void.

Or you can just call the professionals from Pest Control London to do all of the above.

article by https://www.pantherpestcontrol.co.uk

How to Prevent and Eradicate Cockroaches

They’re dirty, they’re icky, they skitter behind the fridge the moment they see you flick the light on. The cockroach is known to be able to withstand a nuclear blast (actually not true), so you’re going to have to come prepared if you want to eradicate them. If you’re interested in stopping them in their tracks – the ol’ pre-emptive strike – here are three really (I mean, REALLY) simple ways to prevent cockroaches from even turning up to party at your pad in the first place. Try them!

Clean up spills right away

Your humble writer is guilty of this one. Even on floorboards, any residue left from a spill that wasn’t treated quickly – particularly something sugary like wine or soft drink – is like you putting on an all-you-can-eat smorgasbord buffet for the roaches. They can ‘smell’ sugary mixtures from quite a distance, with their sensitive antennae.


No dirty dishes

So by extending logic, every time you eat, you’re ‘spilling’ food and sauce and whatnot on your plate, and leaving them next to the sink can create the exact same situation as before – the residue of your spaghetti suddenly becomes a roach version of the Bat-Signal – and you can bet that they’ll all come a-running.

Store food in tightly closed containers

The sheer grossness of this one should be enough to etch it into your memory. The third preventative tip we have to keep the roaches at bay is to use solid food hygiene, especially when it comes to storing your food in pantry containers. Even the smallest crack in the corner of the Tupperware can be a flashing signal for the roaches to come-a-running for their share of your groceries. Your pantry should be cool, dry, and as air-tight as possible.

Serving food commercially?

If you run a restaurant or other food business it’s important and law in most places to book regular treatments with a licensed pest control company. Our friends at the Mudgee pest control company, Pest Alert, tell us it’s smart to convince surrounding businesses to also treat so they don’t become new breeding havens for re-infestation once you drive them away.

Five Ways to Prevent Cockroaches Entering Your Home


While most humans are not particularly fond of cockroaches unfortunately they are fond of us, or more specifically our homes.

With an ample supply of food, water, and nesting sites, a home can fast become a breeding ground for cockroaches who remain active throughout the year.

The key to beating roaches once and for all is keeping a clean house. But while that may sound simple, homeowners know that cleaning can be a bit more complicated than an occasional hoover. 


We asked Peter from Pest Alert, a Dubbo pest control company, how you should tackle cockroach problems in your home (or commercial premises for that matter):

Get rid of food and water sources: Cockroaches eat anything and everything so make sure you put all food away after using it. That means keep lids, packages and containers sealed tight. 

Don’t leave food scraps in the sink, or dishwasher for that matter, and make sure your bin closes after you when you’re done. We recommend investing in a bin with a lid for this reason.

Also get rid of water in, around, and under any sinks or pipes. While they can survive for up to a week without water cockroaches are naturally drawn to moist places.

Clean regularly: Cockroaches release a pheromone to attract other roaches when they’re ready for breeding, or to signal they’ve found a protective spot to do said breeding. 

You don’t want your home to be that spot, so make it inhospitable to the bugs. 

Get rid of any clutter or unnecessary items such as wood, boxes, or unused food containers and invest in a good pest control treatment – we recommended a long-lasting one sprayed around entry points such as doors and windows. There are also excellent baiting treatments available.

Also clean your fridge and oven regularly to avoid build-up of waste and take your trash out often. 

Low Record Electric Cars in Calgary

As electric vehicles gain traction in Calgary, the latest numbers from the province show they’re still only a tiny fraction of the vehicles on the road.

Service Alberta numbers show 1,297 electric-only vehicles registered in the province as of March 31. There are a further 20,702 hybrid vehicles.

The total number is low compared to other provinces. B.C., with a comparable population to Alberta, has more than 12,000 registered EVs.

There are almost 300 more propane-powered vehicles registered in Alberta than EVs, which make up only about 0.035 per cent of the 3.6 million vehicles on Alberta roads.

However, the total is trending exponentially upward year-over-year, with EV registrations in Alberta up 759 per cent over five years. Propane vehicles, by comparison, are in a slow decline.
While Alberta’s EV numbers are low compared with Ontario, Quebec, and B.C., those provinces have or have had something Alberta does not: provincial financial incentives.

Brad Ryder, president and CEO of Electric Mobility Canada, said the incentives have definitely boosted sales because they help level the playing field on the costs of buying an EV.
“Not only are there the federal incentives that were introduced by the Trudeau government in April, but in both B.C. and Quebec there are provincial incentives in place,” he said.

While they cost more up front than comparable gas vehicles — a Nissan Leaf is about $30,000 more than a similar-sized Nissan Micra — EVs typically have lower fuel and maintenance costs over the lifetime of the vehicle.

Ryder said a Quebecer buying a new EV stands to get $5,000 from the federal government and $8,000 from the provincial government toward the cost.

“The provinces are looking at climate change and greenhouse gas emissions, and the transportation sector is a significant part of those emissions,” said Ryder. “So when people switch to EVs, the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions can be significant.”

Until July of last year, Ontario also had a provincial incentive. That program was axed by the Doug Ford government, and the most recent sales numbers reflect it. Second-quarter sales of EVs in Ontario in 2019 were down 58.7 per cent over the same three months in 2018, when the incentive was still in place.

Jim Steil, co-owner of Go Electric, a used-EV dealership in Calgary, says he’s not surprised Alberta is lagging.

He said the lack of an incentive is holding back sales, but also the current state of EV infrastructure.

The City of Calgary has put charging stations in most of its parkades, and a handful of retailers such as Ikea offer complementary charging.

“Where charging stations really need to be is on the highways,” said Steil.
He said most of his customers plan to drive their cars in and around the city 95 per cent of the time. They can charge their cars at home for that. But they also want the freedom of trips to Edmonton or Banff, a distance that requires them to stop and charge.

Because he deals in used cars, Steil’s customers don’t qualify for the current federal incentive, which is only for new cars. Regardless, he said he’d rather see incentive money spent on infrastructure.

Eric MacNaughton, senior transportation engineer with the City of Calgary, is looking at the percentage growth in Alberta’s EVs, rather than the total number currently on the road.

“We’re already seeing exponential growth, albeit from a small number,” he said.

The city’s own numbers show about 700 EVs in Calgary, and a further 400 plug-in hybrids.

MacNaughton oversaw the creation of Calgary’s EV strategy — the city’s plan to make sure it is ready for the predicted shift to EVs in the coming decades.

He suspects the number will continue to grow as more vehicle types beyond compact cars and sedans become available. He noted that 85 per cent of vehicle sales in Alberta are either SUVs or trucks.

“I think just having more electric SUVs and pickups will make a big difference in terms of the adoption we see in the 2020s,” said MacNaughton.

As for Steil’s concerns about charging infrastructure on the highway, MacNaughton said the Peaks to Prairies charging station network is slowly coming online

Those charging stations are now available in Canmore and Lethbridge, with more expected by the end of the year.

MacNaughton said they offer fast-charging for $20 per hour, and Level-2 chargers, equivalent to a 220-volt plug in a home, for about $2 per hour.


Pest Control Calgary

The mild, rainy ocean climate has long been the envy of Canadians looking to escape the cold of more eastern provinces. But the conditions that make Calgary appealing to humans are exactly the same that make it an ideal home for pests who wouldn’t be able to survive the cold dry winters further east.

The dense vegetation that covers much of Calgary is home to a wealth of wildlife and associated pests that thrive in the temperate climate. As BC’s primary gateway to Pacific trade, Calgary harbours also offer some unique challenges for pest control and require continuous monitoring and prevention to ensure that infestations don’t take hold.

There’s nothing quite as frustrating as a pest problem. They can become a huge issue, whether you’re a homeowner or a business manager. That’s why Natural Pest Solutions offers pest control services in Calgary and the surrounding areas like. If you find unwanted rodents, insects, or other wildlife on your property, give us a call. We offer flexible hours so you can call us any time of day, any day of the week.

Natural Pest Solutions
995 Madeira way NE.
Calgary, AB. T2A-5T4
phone 587-318-0435


Life in Tempe, Arizona is fantastic. From unmatched employment opportunities to higher education and cultural opportunities, the city’s bounty perks appeals to a broad demographic of residents. Here are a few things to ponder. If you are thinking about relocating to Tempe, AZ.

Best Neighborhoods In Tempe

The best neighborhoods in Tempe run the gammut—there really is something for everyone. The type of vibe and experience you are looking for will greatly influence you within the city. If it is nightlife, bars, sporting events or anything else that leans younger, then count northern Tempe (the area around Tempe Town Lake and Arizona State University) as one ofTempe, AZ the best neighborhoods in Tempe where you’ll want to look. It is logical, then, that this section is where you are more likely to find multi-unit and high rise housing. Among other neighborhoods, popular North Tempe communities include Lindon Park, Maple-Ash, University Park and Jen Tilly Terrace.

If you’re looking to be a stone’s throw from all of that, but maybe reside in a little bit more laid back, family friendly area, head a little south below Highway 60 and you will feel right at home. This area has many communities of single family homes and is a sure bet if you want a pool, but do not want to share it with neighbors from an apartment complex.

Pros And Cons Of Living In Tempe

Much like any city in which you choose to reside, Tempe has pros and cons. As mentioned earlier, there are a ton of things to keep you busy. Along with those activities, however, there are also great career opportunities. Tempe is home to companies such as US Airways, First Solar, Salt River Project, Insight Enterprises, and many other Fortune 500 companies. So while it’s a great place to play, it’s also a great place to work.Tempe, AZ
Tempe’s location within the Valley makes it very easy to get around. With access to the 101 Freeway, Highway 60, the 202 Freeway and Interstate 10, there are many options to get you where you want to go. However, with the convenience also comes the potential for some headaches. Because Tempe is surrounded by all of these traffic veins, rush hour can be a little slow for the morning and evening commutes. And, with Arizona State’s thousands of students in town during the school, congestion can occasionally be frustrating, though Tempe residents find marked relief during summer break and holiday vacations.
But these are minor inconveniences to an otherwise great place to all home.

Is Tempe A Safe Place To Live?

There are a lot of misconceptions about the crime rate, leading people to incorrectly dismiss the fact that Tempe is a safe place to live. Crime rates are typically calculated by taking the total number of crimes and dividing them by the residential population. But because Tempe is such a hub of industry, the number of people commuting there to work during the day increases by an astounding 46 percent during working hours—the largest percentage increase of any city in the Valley. So, all of the crimes reported (presumably a large portion of which happen during the day when the number of people in Tempe is at its peak), are divided by the significantly lower number of residents, meaning that typical measures of safety are significantly misleading. In fact, three out of four Tempe residents recently reported that they are happy with the safety of the city.

Pest Control Tempe AZ

Tempe is one of the fastest-growing cities in AZ, but with city expansion and shrinking of natural environments, that comes a lot more potential for pest problems. A substantial nuisance is caused through them and as a result, it is a must to take effective measures that will protect your home or business, as well as you, from all the possible diseases.

Natural Pest Solutions
1511 East Julie Drive Tempe, AZ 85283 United States
(480) 400-0413

Chandler’s Best Neighborhood


That means no snow days and no shoveling! Take advantage of Chandler’s wonderful climate. Have business here? Extend your trip and enjoy the sun!

Cactus League Spring Training – From Chandler, easily access any of the 15 Major League teams that make the Valley of the Sun their spring home for baseball.

Restaurants cover the gamut – from casual to upscale you’ll find a world of flavor at Chandler restaurants. From the house-made pan dulce (Mexican sweet bread) at El Sol Mexican Cafe & Bakery to Mediterranean food at south Chandler’s The Ivy, or savor hand-pulled noodles at China Magic Noodles in Uptown Chandler you’ll find a number of restaurants to explore.

With seven championship courses including Arizona’s original golf resort, Chandler golf offers lush fairways, expansive views and great golf values in the Valley of the Sun.

Find family fun at the annual Ostrich Festival, kick up your boots at the Great American Barbeque & Beer Festival with the hottest country music, craft beer and BBQ and celebrate the holidays at the Tumbleweed Tree Lighting Ceremony.

Tired of miles on treadmills and stationery bikes? Get outside and walk Chandler’s park trails, stretch and strive on an exercise course, join a pickup game of basketball or frolic in any of Chandler’s more than 60 parks or splash into fun at one of six aquatic facilities. Chandler parks also offer environmental education displays, playgrounds for the kids, a ranch museum and plenty of room to play!

Chandler’s family fun centers have wall-to-wall trampolines, family activities at the Chandler Museum, ice-skating and roller rinks and so much more!

Stroll the tree-lined square for a collection of uniquely Arizona stores, enjoy the more than 60 pieces of public art then eat and drink in one of the thriving, locally-owned restaurants and bars of Downtown Chandler.

Chandler embraces scientific pursuits with the year-round Chandler Solar Walk at Veterans Oasis Park and its annual science celebration in February: Chandler Science Spectacular.

Neighborhoods in Chandler

The Chandler, AZ real estate market is hotter than ever, as young professionals, growing families and empty-nesters looking to move into a community with promise and prosperity. Given the fact that this region is known for its diverse economy and exciting amenities, it comes as no surprise that there are many luxury developments to choose from in Chandler. While all of these planned communities offer wonderful opportunities, these five neighborhoods stand out as the best in Chandler.

Circle G at Riggs Homestead Ranch
Rated as one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in the Phoenix metropolitan area, Circle G at Riggs Homestead Ranch is home to about 2,000 residents. The Chandler, AZ homes for sale in this community are expansive and unique, each offering their own features and amenities. The neighborhood is located at Gilbert and Riggs roads.

Ocotillo East
Expert Chandler, AZ real estate agents know that Ocotillo East is desirable for families of all shapes and sizes. Each subdivision within this development offers interesting features, such as waterfront property and common park areas. There are so many Chandler, AZ homes for sale in this community, that some people think it is its own separate municipality. In all actuality, it’s a pivotal part of the Chandler community. This neighborhood is located at Alma School and Queen Creek roads.

Those who are looking for the upper echelon of homes in the Chandler, AZ real estate market will find Tuscany to be the perfect fit. Located at Ray and Kyrene roads, this neighborhood is home to large mansions that are priced around $1 million. About 950 people call this neighborhood home, and only the most premier Chandler, AZ real estate agents have access to these elusive homes once they are available on the market.

West Chandler
Families who want to find valuable yet affordable Chandler, AZ homes for sale should look no further than West Chandler. This region of Chandler is known for its solid-yet-affordable housing opportunities, making it an ideal choice for growing families. The neighborhood is outlined by Chandler Boulevard, Kyrene Road, McClintock Drive, and the Santan Freeway.


Pest Control in Chandler

Whether it’s your home or business premises, it is likely to be your biggest investment in terms of money, sweat, and tears, so naturally, you want only the best provider for all your pest control needs. Pest control is most effective if it is carried out by experienced and professionally trained technicians who understand the biology and living/feeding habits of pests.
As the market leader in the pest control industry in Chandler, Natural Pest Solutions offers termite control solutions that are specifically designed for different termite species and customers’ needs. Our comprehensive termite inspection and treatment types are backed by Natural pest Solutions Termite Warranty.

Natural Pest Solutions
62 N Amber Ct, Chandler, AZ 85225, USA
(480) 428-2826

Pest Control Chandler AZ

The Best Thing in Kamloops

Kamloops is ideally located in the heart of British Columbia’s sunny Southern Interior and is easily accessed by road, air, and rail.

The word Kamloops is the English translation of the Shuswap word Tk’emlúps, which means “where the rivers meet”, and has been the home of the Tk’emlupsemc, the “people of the confluence”, for centuries.

Tk’emlúps has always occupied a place of great economic importance in our region. Traversed by two major waterways, traditional Tk’emlupsemc territory was the center of major traffic and trade routes. Due to the community’s great economic and military strength, as well as our ancestor’s pivotal role in the creation of peace accords, the Tk’emlupsemc were designated the Secwepemc7uwi, “the real Shuswap”.

Kamloops is a great community that nurtures growth. We are one of Canada’s premier host centers for developing amateur sport, tournaments, cultural events, high-performance training camps, and national and international competitions. As Canada’s Tournament Capital, we foster a grassroots philosophy of inclusion, accessibility, and sports development. Incorporated as a city in 1893, Kamloops has transitioned into an urban city while maintaining its western hospitality.

Kamloops takes pride in its vibrant arts community. Year-round locals and visitors alike enjoy professional and emerging art galleries and displays throughout the city. Amateur and professional theatre, music festivals, and established and emerging arts and culture organizations and events are held annually in our public venues.

Pests in Kamloops

Whether you’ve recently moved into the area or lived here most of your life, it pays to know a bit about the type of pests found in Kamloops. Some of them you will recognize immediately. Others will be unfamiliar. By knowing a little about the different types of pests in Kamloops, you can be prepared to identify what’s in your home or garden and find a Kamloops pest control company that can help eliminate the problem before it gets out of hand.

Natural Pest Solutions
27-1990 Pacific Way
Kamloops, BC. V1S-1W3
phone 778-765-3337

Why Wasps Are Attracted to Your Home

Don’t get stung by pesky wasp and hornet problems this fall. One highly rated provider shares four tips to keep wasps and hornets away from your home.

As the summer months come to an end and fall arrives, a different set of bugs become active and may be joining you for the season’s last barbeques: wasps. Wasps are buzzing in an out of yards and forming nests in any opportune spots your home might provide. Many people are allergic to bees and/or wasps, or just plain don’t want to be stung, so the time has come to know your enemy and figure out ways to avoid them.

How to keep wasps away

Step 1. Remove unwanted food and cover trashcans – First things first, remove anything the wasps might be attracted to. This includes leftover picnic food or pet food and tightly sealing your trashcans. Nectar and bird food may also attract wasps, so think about removing those things as well. Remember, sweet things attract wasps from all around and that includes sweet perfumes and lotions.

Step 2. Maintain home fixtures and structure – Take a walk around your home and check for any areas that may need repair. Broken panels or siding, gaps in soffits and other crevices are perfect homes for a potential wasp nest. Make sure windows, doors, and screens are all in working order so that no unwanted creature flies in. Do a yard check and search for any rodent holes or potential burrows for wasps to make a home in. If they’re unoccupied, and sometimes even if they are, fill the hole with dirt or debris.

Step 3. Use wasp decoys  – You can purchase a decorative wasp decoy from a garden or home improvement store. Paper wasps are territorial and tend not to build a nest within 200 feet of another nest, so a couple of decoys on either side of the house should deter any from moving in.

Step 4. Deploy wasp traps – These can be purchased from a garden or home improvement store, but you can also easily make one if you have: a two-liter bottle, sweet liquid (perhaps Mt Dew or similar), and some masking or duct tape. Take the bottle, cut about a fourth of the bottle from the top off and flip it over. Set that top portion within the bottom portion so that there is a pathway leading through the small opening of the bottle down to the bottom. Pour about an inch of a sweet liquid into it, and set it next to an area that you know is active for yellow jackets. It’s only the beginning of the wasp season, so it’s best to be proactive and start deterring wasps now before you have to call a pest control professional.


Natural Pest Solutions
Suite #1 2160 Wilkinson St.
Kelowna, BC. V1Y-3Z8
phone 778-760-1356

Make Your Home Termite Proof

Worried about termites entering your home? Before you call your local termite control specialist, there are ways for you to prevent any potential invasion from happening in your household. Here are ways to termite proof your house.

Let’s get on the to the ways you could prevent them from entering your home in order to protect your humble abode and spend less time calling your pest control operator.

Keep Moisture Away from Wood

Get rid of any standing water around the perimeter of your home immediately. If you notice chronically moist soil within your area, find out why this certain spot is always damp and fix it. Termites are generally attracted to moist soil and damp areas are perfect conditions for them to survive. Indoors, make sure to keep any wooden pieces’ dry at all times. You never know when a termite swarmer might slip into your home. It’s important to make your home inhabitable for termites by keeping moisture away from the wood.


Store Cardboard and Wooden Boxes Properly

Take note that cardboard contains cellulose, a plant-based substance which termites feed on for nutrition and to survive. You may have some cardboard or wooden boxes stored in places around your house which you don’t regularly inspect. It may come as a surprise but termites, especially dry wood termites, can start nesting on cardboard and work their way to wooden parts of your home.


Fix All Water Leaks and Cracks

Water leaks could be an open invitation for termites to infest your home. Knowing that they thrive in moist environments, it’s important to fix any form of leaking water around your home.
If you have any leak problems in your house, have your home inspected. A home inspection is always the first step of termite control. Acting with haste is essential to prevent any potential invasion. Once you’ve fixed water leaks in your home, thoroughly clean the damp areas and ensure that they are kept dry. It wouldn’t hurt to visit those areas again.


Natural Pest Solutions
5844 Glover Rd, Langley, BC V3A 4H9, Canada
+1 604-245-8395